Thursday, October 2, 2008

What it takes to be President

For my fourth blog post assignment, I read Larry M. Bartels's article "C Students Welcome" on the Huffington Post blog site. The article addressed Sarah Palin and her debate against Joe Biden tonight. In her previous interviews she has been criticized, rightfully so in my opinion, for not having the knowledge to be the VP. Tonight she can either step up and prove skeptics wrong, or make herself ignorant to the issues compared to Biden.
What surprised me in the article was that most people do not even care that much about a candidates knowledge. In a survey conducted by the National Election Study Team, reports show that knowledge is the least important of 4 major issues a president should have. It was placed significantly lower than being a strong leader, caring about the people, and having proper morals. only 1.3% of participants said that they would change their vote because of the intelligence of their candidate. This statistic greatly surprised me because I value intelligence and knowledge of the issues extremely important for a president to have.

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